Ángel Martínez

Android developer Ángel Martínez released 4 applications and reached 4508 ratings in total. The average rating of its application is 3.95. Below is the list of android applications by Ángel Martínez.

Developer info
Title: Ángel Martínez
Country: ES Spain
Address: Galicia, España
Total ratings: 4,508
Average rating: 3.95
Installs (achieved): 610,000

List of android apps by Ángel Martínez
rank title icon Total ratings installs average rating growth (30 days) growth (60 days) price
67013. SLD | Electrical diagrams SLD | Electrical diagrams 3844 500.0 k 4.31 3.29% 7.22% Free
154799. Hydraulic schemes Hydraulic schemes 358 50.0 k 0.0 5.08% 9.64% Free
188316. InstElectric - Electricity InstElectric - Electricity 157 50.0 k 3.99 0.35% 0.9% Free
190373. Lighting calculation Lighting calculation 149 10.0 k 4.21 0.37% 2.42% Free