
Android developer ForestTree released 5 applications and reached 192748 ratings in total. The average rating of its application is 4.43. Below is the list of android applications by ForestTree.

Developer info
Title: ForestTree
Country: SK Slovakia
Address: Miroslav Michalec Pod sadom 79 010 04 Zilina Slovakia
Total ratings: 192,748
Average rating: 4.43
Installs (achieved): 11,155,000

List of android apps by ForestTree
rank title icon Total ratings installs average rating growth (30 days) growth (60 days) price
6610. DIGI Clock Widget DIGI Clock Widget 168897 10.0 M 4.42 0.34% 0.71% Free
42046. DIGI Clock & Wallpaper DIGI Clock & Wallpaper 10245 1.0 M 4.44 0.1% 0.28% Free
45193. DIGI Clock Widget Plus DIGI Clock Widget Plus 8902 50.0 k 4.53 0.17% 0.35% $3.49
62067. Colors & Gradients Wallpaper Colors & Gradients Wallpaper 4584 100.0 k 4.55 0.27% 0.39% Free
198971. DIGI World Clock DIGI World Clock 120 5.0 k 4.2 4.34% 11.38% Free