Android developer HEXAGE released 9 applications and reached 537830 ratings in total. The average rating of its application is 3.98. Below is the list of android applications by HEXAGE.

Developer info
Country: CZ Czech Republic
Address: Hexage s.r.o. U koleji 1604 252 10 Mnisek pod Brdy Czech Republic
Total ratings: 537,830
Average rating: 3.98
Installs (achieved): 21,660,000

List of android apps by HEXAGE
rank title icon Total ratings installs average rating growth (30 days) growth (60 days) price
5225. Reaper Reaper 224734 5.0 M 4.08 0.07% 0.14% Free
9241. Robotek Robotek 111070 5.0 M 4.06 0.01% 0.01% Free
9851. Radiant Defense Radiant Defense 102193 5.0 M 3.65 0.05% 0.1% Free
12195. REDCON REDCON 76893 5.0 M 3.98 0.37% 0.56% Free
47963. Ritual: Spellcasting RPG Ritual: Spellcasting RPG 7908 500.0 k 3.67 1.14% 2.17% Free
53869. Radiant Radiant 6214 50.0 k 4.6 0.02% 0.04% $2.99
61033. Flying Tank Flying Tank 4751 1.0 M 4.34 2.86% 6.97% Free
72378. EVAC EVAC 3221 100.0 k 3.86 0.34% 0.56% Free
119803. Totemo Totemo 846 10.0 k 4.88 0.02% 0.03% $1.99