
Android developer Airtel released 10 applications and reached 14729378 ratings in total. The average rating of its application is 4.20. Below is the list of android applications by Airtel.

Developer info
Title: Airtel
Country: IN India
Address: Plot 16, Udyog Vihar Phase 4, Gurgaon - 122016
Total ratings: 14,729,378
Average rating: 4.20
Installs (achieved): 310,850,000

List of android apps by Airtel
rank title icon Total ratings installs average rating growth (30 days) growth (60 days) price
133. Airtel Thanks: Recharge & Bank Airtel Thanks: Recharge & Bank 7547220 100.0 M 4.12 0.36% 0.77% Free
187. Wynk Music: MP3, Song, Podcast Wynk Music: MP3, Song, Podcast 5966032 100.0 M 4.29 0.08% 0.26% Free
1074. Airtel Xstream Play: 23+ OTTs Airtel Xstream Play: 23+ OTTs 1179803 100.0 M 4.31 0.28% 0.65% Free
27465. Airtel Payments Bank: Merchant Airtel Payments Bank: Merchant 22220 5.0 M 2.83 0.19% 0.46% Free
48194. Airtel Xsafe Airtel Xsafe 7828 100.0 k 4.06 0.43% 1.19% Free
80846. Xstream Play - Android TV Xstream Play - Android TV 2464 5.0 M 0.0 4.6% 9.34% Free
85622. Airtel Payments Bank: Ranger Airtel Payments Bank: Ranger 2139 500.0 k 0.0 1.95% 4.2% Free
109126. Airtel Buzz Airtel Buzz 1121 50.0 k 0.0 0.1% 0.44% Free
157528. Xstream AirFiber Xstream AirFiber 335 100.0 k 0.0 10.07% 19.67% Free
175546. Airtel Digital Tv Learn Camp Airtel Digital Tv Learn Camp 216 100.0 k 0.0 1.53% 3.07% Free