Slava Barouline

Android developer Slava Barouline released 4 applications and reached 2728 ratings in total. The average rating of its application is 3.88. Below is the list of android applications by Slava Barouline.

Developer info
Title: Slava Barouline
Country: AU Australia
Address: Erindale Centre Wanniassa ACT 2903 Australia
Total ratings: 2,728
Average rating: 3.88
Installs (achieved): 260,000

List of android apps by Slava Barouline
rank title icon Total ratings installs average rating growth (30 days) growth (60 days) price
110061. Earthquake+ Alerts, Map & Info Earthquake+ Alerts, Map & Info 1093 100.0 k 4.04 0.27% 0.58% Free
112781. Digger's Map Digger's Map 1017 100.0 k 3.89 0.37% 0.62% Free
151245. Volcanoes: Map, Alerts & Ash C Volcanoes: Map, Alerts & Ash C 390 50.0 k 3.34 0.13% 0.36% Free
173316. Where To Find Gold Where To Find Gold 228 10.0 k 4.05 0.43% 0.93% Free