Poste Italiane S.p.A.

Android developer Poste Italiane S.p.A. released 8 applications and reached 3148269 ratings in total. The average rating of its application is 4.24. Below is the list of android applications by Poste Italiane S.p.A..

Developer info
Title: Poste Italiane S.p.A.
Country: IT Italy
Address: Viale Europa, 175 00144 Roma (RM) ITALY
Total ratings: 3,148,269
Average rating: 4.24
Installs (achieved): 40,400,000

List of android apps by Poste Italiane S.p.A.
rank title icon Total ratings installs average rating growth (30 days) growth (60 days) price
1096. PosteID PosteID 1164277 10.0 M 4.23 1.03% 2.05% Free
1507. Postepay Postepay 835568 10.0 M 4.34 1.14% 2.29% Free
1623. BancoPosta BancoPosta 763850 10.0 M 4.19 0.97% 1.95% Free
3316. Poste Italiane Poste Italiane 369472 10.0 M 4.29 1.84% 3.37% Free
62361. Poste Business Poste Business 4532 100.0 k 0.0 2.92% 5.55% Free
66313. Postepay Tandem Postepay Tandem 3942 100.0 k 4.2 0.37% 0.71% Free
67966. NoidiPoste NoidiPoste 3726 100.0 k 0.0 18.7% 83.58% Free
75645. BPIOL Key BPIOL Key 2902 100.0 k 0.0 0.64% 1.43% Free