JixiPix Software

Android developer JixiPix Software released 16 applications and reached 5697 ratings in total. The average rating of its application is 4.47. Below is the list of android applications by JixiPix Software.

Developer info
Title: JixiPix Software
Country: US United States
Address: North Las Vegas, NV 89031
Total ratings: 5,697
Average rating: 4.47
Installs (achieved): 216,000

List of android apps by JixiPix Software
rank title icon Total ratings installs average rating growth (30 days) growth (60 days) price
93599. Simply HDR Simply HDR 1704 50.0 k 4.64 0.06% 0.08% $2.99
117661. Portrait Painter Portrait Painter 895 50.0 k 4.36 0.03% 0.06% $4.99
121194. Dramatic Black & White Dramatic Black & White 816 10.0 k 4.61 0.36% 0.34% $2.99
131879. Artista Impresso Artista Impresso 625 50.0 k 4.39 0.17% 0.34% $4.99
169107. Moku Hanga Moku Hanga 253 10.0 k 4.44 0.1% 0.2% $4.99
177225. PhotoArtista - Oil PhotoArtista - Oil 207 1.0 k 4.39 0.17% 0.34% $4.99
177607. Grungetastic Grungetastic 205 10.0 k 4.12 0.03% 0.06% $2.99
178381. Vintage Scene Vintage Scene 201 1.0 k 4.48 0.17% 0.33% $2.99
182800. Panographic Photo Panographic Photo 180 10.0 k 3.41 0.54% 0.39% $2.99
200303. Simply Watercolor Simply Watercolor 116 1.0 k 4.72 0.14% 0.28% $4.99
202422. Hallows Eve Hallows Eve 110 10.0 k 3.89 0.02% 0.05% $2.99
207544. Spektrel Art Spektrel Art 95 1.0 k 4.78 0.35% 0.7% $2.99
208601. RipPix RipPix 92 1.0 k 4.42 0.15% 0.31% $2.99
212795. Rainy Daze Rainy Daze 80 5.0 k 4.58 1.23% 0.88% $2.99
220187. Snow Daze Snow Daze 61 1.0 k 5.0 0.18% 0.36% $2.99
221906. Aquarella Aquarella 57 5.0 k 4.23 0.16% 0.32% $4.99