Afivad Limited

Android developer Afivad Limited released 4 applications and reached 325005 ratings in total. The average rating of its application is 4.53. Below is the list of android applications by Afivad Limited.

Developer info
Title: Afivad Limited
Country: CY Cyprus
Address: Boumpoulinas, 1-3 BOUBOULINA BUILDING, Flat/Office 42, 1060, Nicosia, Cyprus
Total ratings: 325,005
Average rating: 4.53
Installs (achieved): 10,650,000

List of android apps by Afivad Limited
rank title icon Total ratings installs average rating growth (30 days) growth (60 days) price
3629. LUV: Anime Girls Adult Game XX LUV: Anime Girls Adult Game XX 317989 10.0 M 4.53 0.74% 1.49% Free
60286. Carrom Lure - Disc pool game Carrom Lure - Disc pool game 4722 500.0 k 4.49 0.9% 1.8% Free
90401. Spin the Bottle Game - AMONG Spin the Bottle Game - AMONG 1831 100.0 k 4.19 23.44% 48.34% Free
144230. xLove Connection: Online Party xLove Connection: Online Party 463 50.0 k 3.74 6.36% 12.71% Free