Dev Jeffrey

Android developer Dev Jeffrey released 2 applications and reached 13524 ratings in total. The average rating of its application is 4.85. Below is the list of android applications by Dev Jeffrey.

Developer info
Title: Dev Jeffrey
Country: CN China
Address: No. 3 Yuqiao West Road, Tongzhou District, Beijing, China
Total ratings: 13,524
Average rating: 4.85
Installs (achieved): 110,000

List of android apps by Dev Jeffrey
rank title icon Total ratings installs average rating growth (30 days) growth (60 days) price
36334. Diary & Journal with lock Diary & Journal with lock 13472 100.0 k 4.85 10.62% 22.29% Free
223856. 美食菜谱-精选食谱 家常菜做法大全 美食菜谱-精选食谱 家常菜做法大全 52 10.0 k 5.0 0% 0% Free