Fun Monkey Ltd

Android developer Fun Monkey Ltd released 2 applications and reached 211 ratings in total. The average rating of its application is 3.50. Below is the list of android applications by Fun Monkey Ltd.

Developer info
Title: Fun Monkey Ltd
Country: CY Cyprus
Address: Huuuge Publishing Limited 28th October Street, No. 331 Kanika Enaerios, Lido House Block 1, Office 762 3106 Limassol Cyprus
Total ratings: 211
Average rating: 3.50
Installs (achieved): 20,000

List of android apps by Fun Monkey Ltd
rank title icon Total ratings installs average rating growth (30 days) growth (60 days) price
192532. Realmkeepers MMORPG Realmkeepers MMORPG 149 10.0 k 3.23 55.21% 91.97% Free
222472. Harvest Adventure Harvest Adventure 62 10.0 k 4.15 0% 0% Free