Gototop LTD

Android developer Gototop LTD released 4 applications and reached 209636 ratings in total. The average rating of its application is 4.18. Below is the list of android applications by Gototop LTD.

Developer info
Title: Gototop LTD
Country: CY Cyprus
Address: MEDITERRANEAN COURT, Floor 1, Flat A5, 367 28 Oktovriou Limassol 3107 Cyprus
Total ratings: 209,636
Average rating: 4.18
Installs (achieved): 11,550,000

List of android apps by Gototop LTD
rank title icon Total ratings installs average rating growth (30 days) growth (60 days) price
6058. Feelsy: Stress Anxiety Relief Feelsy: Stress Anxiety Relief 187816 10.0 M 4.19 0.86% 3.04% Free
32442. Pulsebit: Heart Rate Monitor Pulsebit: Heart Rate Monitor 16611 1.0 M 4.39 0.56% 5.66% Free
61566. Habio - Simple Habit Tracker Habio - Simple Habit Tracker 4663 500.0 k 2.99 0.38% 0.53% Free
137381. CleverMe: Brain training games CleverMe: Brain training games 546 50.0 k 3.93 0.3% 0.52% Free