PLAYCIDITY - hidden objects & puzzle games

Android developer PLAYCIDITY - hidden objects & puzzle games released 3 applications and reached 3181 ratings in total. The average rating of its application is 4.37. Below is the list of android applications by PLAYCIDITY - hidden objects & puzzle games.

Developer info
Title: PLAYCIDITY - hidden objects & puzzle games
Country: CY Cyprus
Address: 78 Spyrou Kyprianou, Magnum Business Center, 3rd floor, 3076, Limassol, Cyprus
Total ratings: 3,181
Average rating: 4.37
Installs (achieved): 120,000

List of android apps by PLAYCIDITY - hidden objects & puzzle games
rank title icon Total ratings installs average rating growth (30 days) growth (60 days) price
76783. Found It game - Scavenger Hunt Found It game - Scavenger Hunt 2728 100.0 k 4.33 0.81% 2.42% Free
161628. Scavenger hunt - Find It Out Scavenger hunt - Find It Out 307 10.0 k 4.52 4.74% 9.48% Free
191919. Hunt Word - WittyWow Hunt Word - WittyWow 146 10.0 k 4.77 0% 0% Free