Wind Tre S.p.A.

Android developer Wind Tre S.p.A. released 7 applications and reached 860807 ratings in total. The average rating of its application is 3.73. Below is the list of android applications by Wind Tre S.p.A..

Developer info
Title: Wind Tre S.p.A.
Country: IT Italy
Address: Via Monte Rosa, 91 20149 Milano (MI) Italy
Total ratings: 860,807
Average rating: 3.73
Installs (achieved): 10,815,000

List of android apps by Wind Tre S.p.A.
rank title icon Total ratings installs average rating growth (30 days) growth (60 days) price
1488. WINDTRE WINDTRE 849332 10.0 M 3.78 0.24% 0.48% Free
48963. WINDTRE Cube WINDTRE Cube 7580 500.0 k 0.0 0.06% 0.12% Free
88781. WINDTRE BUSINESS WINDTRE BUSINESS 1954 100.0 k 0.0 0.5% 0.8% Free
101739. WINDTRE Security Pro+ WINDTRE Security Pro+ 1360 100.0 k 0.0 1.17% 2.69% Free
147930. WINDTRE LUCE&GAS WINDTRE LUCE&GAS 423 100.0 k 0.0 3.65% 9.25% Free
206210. WINDTRE On Line WINDTRE On Line 99 10.0 k 0.0 0% 0% Free
221072. Office Smart Office Smart 59 5.0 k 0.0 0.92% 1.22% Free